Competition Software Experience Survey

    1 – Excellent2 – Good3 – Neutral4 – Not that good5 – Terrible
    1 – Excellent2 – Good3 – Neutral4 – Not that good5 – Terrible6 – Not applicable
    1 – Excellent2 – Good3 – Neutral4 – Not that good5 – Terrible
    1 – Excellent2 – Good3 – Neutral4 – Not that good5 – Terrible
    1 – Excellent2 – Good3 – Neutral4 – Not that good5 – Terrible
    1 – Expert2 – Proficient3 – Competent4 – Beginner5 – Novice
    1 – Very easy2 – Easy3 – Neutral4 – Hard5 – Very hard
    1 – Extremely interested2 – Very interested3 – Somewhat interested4 – Slightly interested5 – Not interested at all
    1 – Extremely interested2 – Very interested3 – Somewhat interested4 – Slightly interested5 – Not interested at all