Meeting Minutes – November 16, 2023

Agenda Minutes The meeting was convened by Shiv Verma, NECCC President. He briefly outlined the agenda changes. Digital Interclub competition: Picture size:Then Cindy asked if anybody had any concerns. Various picture sizes have been discussed and Cindy suggested Antoinette Gombeda who sends out questionnaires, maybe, one of the things in the questionnaire could be “what […]

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Meeting Minutes – August 17, 2023

7:00 – Informal conversations as people join
7:30 – Opening remarks and agenda – Shiv Verma & Antoinette Gombeda
7:45 – Dues structure and importance of filling out rep forms – Barbara Rozavsky
8:00 – Club Services Package – Rhonda Cullens
8:15 – Susan Mosser will discuss the new Interclub Digital Competition and Individual Print Competition

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